Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Through The Lens - Emma (UK)

Since the last posting my diary has become so full I've had to start stapling extra pages in to hold each days list of demands.  Delivering the full time training schedule is challenging and incredibly rewarding as we see the five full time members flourish across the board.  Here at Sapana HQ we've welcomed two more trainers to our fledgling company - Maddie, our first circus volunteer, establishing training here last year, returned initially for a fleeting two week visit - a few whispers in her ear and we enticed her into extending the trip to a full month!  Clare an aerial specialist, yoga instructor and circus teacher is also here from the UK for five weeks - great to have this exciting transition time bolstered by such experienced and passionate folk.

Anjali and Saraswati developing doubles routine

Maddie and Renu working on a silks routine

We've been inundated by press of late.  With a visit from CNN India as part of their Freedom project - a bit muddy on the airing date for the footage, once it's been confirmed we'll be sure to share the news here. 

Hot on their heels was Jean-Michel a photo journalist from France - he spent a week documenting Sapana for the European press - take a gander at his website for examples of past youth action stories.  Links to Sapana related articles to follow.

We're still on the lookout for a venue to hold our April circus performance, a space where we can rig our aerial equipment is proving elusive - fingers crossed this week pulls up some gems! 

April also sees a collaboration with Shilpee Theatre - a Nepalese company who specialise in Commedia forms - stylised clown and mask work.  Firming up the details now - we'll announce the performance date and location within the next week.

As of May, we're in need of a new training space (large room, i.e. badminton court - with high ceilings, beams to rig our aerial gear) as our full time company will jump to a full house at 13 members...ideally we need to access this space Mon-Fri for around 8hrs a day - if anyone has any Kathmandu leads, please send them our way.

Ivan coaching tumbling

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Eight days a week - Emma (UK)

Radically restructuring the calendar in order to squeeze an extra day into the mix isn't going to happen - however, upping our current training schedule from 7hrs a week to a whopping 32 is!

Over the past month or so we've been chopping and changing our training sessions at the drop of a hat as rigorous studying and prelim's for the SLC's (school leavers certificate) take place.  All of us (trainers and Sapana members alike) are looking forward to that golden moment when pens will be placed alongside full exam papers with a sigh of relief.  

Mimicking movement with our puppet - Ghamlagnu

Polishing a routine

New moves for Jamuna

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Taukhel-Training-Time - Emma (UK)

January equals school holidays which in turn equals a month of activities at EBMF's refuge in Taukhel.
Sapana have been teaching circus to the younger kids - organised chaos, with an eager bunch of pyramid builders, tumblers, dancers, puppeteers and jugglers!  Great to see members of Sapana take the lead and share their volunteers were amazed at the cacophony of noise that resulted in relative order and beaming smiles of accomplishment.

Last fortnight saw the return of Ivan from his antipodean adventuring - aptly he'll be juggling teaching in Kathmandu with Sapana training until May (unless we can convince him to stay longer of course).

We also had and a visit from the hilarious Smile Project - travelling from Ireland to share their endearing antics with children throughout the Kathmandu Valley.  A wholehearted thank you for our morning of laughter!  The kids are still mimicking tricks from the day and calling "Jadu!" (magic) to each other in delight.

With the impending IMPORTANT final school exams looming over much of our troupe we've relocated two of our three training sessions per week to the refuge - cutting down on travel to/from the gym we usually train in - freeing up more time to hit those books hard.

Our tiny space here in Taukhel makes the gym appear palatial! There's no swinging to be had from these rafters - so our focus has had to shift away from aerial work.  Monday's have lent themselves well to juggling and manipulation sessions - everyone's making great headway - next week will see a group show and tell, then we'll move into choreographing short sequences together.

We dipped our toes and swayed the rest of our rhythm section into a traditional French dance workshop with Blanche and Nicolas - performers visiting Kathmandu who generously give their time to Sapana.  Some winning moves were mastered that could lend themselves ever-so-nicely to transitional choreography between circus this space for upcoming show info.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Beep beep, honk honk - Emma (UK)

It’s been five weeks since I landed in Kathmandu – on that first day spent walking the streets, swiftly finding my bearings (thanks to fellow circus volunteers, Ivan and Jo) I felt strangely at ease.   I say strangely, since KTM is like no other city I’ve encountered before; traffic swoops by - left, right and centre accompanied by the never ending chorus of “beep beep, honk honk”, gutted chickens and goats heads adorn stalls - neighbored either side by cashmere cardigans and, if you’re lucky, the Himalaya peeks it’s ridge above the mountains – as if to remind you that the world continues outside of the valley. 

On day two, I had the fortune to enjoy Sapana perform in full swing at the Alliance Francaise for International Children’s day.  The audience filled to the brim with laughter and excitement – a great day organized by Art En Poche…read the glowing review here

Sapana perform for International Children's Day

November into December was a busy time for Sapana – Camille and I shared handbalancing, explored character, stage technique and tumbling with a strong dose of conditioning.  All in contest with load shedding - power shortages in the city. 

The past fortnight has been disrupted by school exams and bandhs (the latter grinding the city to an absolute halt).  We've busied ourselves in this time making juggling kit and puppets and last night saw us return to training full steam ahead…we were all glad to get stuck in again! 

photographs: Lydia Bottcher

January will bring a visit from Irish based, The Smile Project - alongside the return of Ivan and the sailing of a tight ship towards THE BIG SHOW in early April.  With more exams on the horizon, we’ve much to get through between now and then.